This is the place to register that prized possession. This site is not intended to punish legitimate firearm owners; your registration of your possessions may be useful for loss recovery. Believe it or not, if your gun is stolen, we want to help you get it back, because a loose cannon (actually a possibility if certain persons have their way) benefits no one. By coming here, you've already shown that you are a responsible owner.
You may be anonymous on the site by using a pseudonym, and your data are confidential; however, they may be shared with law enforcement with your permission or as required by a court order. Here are some of our reasons and objectives:
- Government has proven itself unable or unwilling to address firearm danger in the USA.
- Our goal is to address the hypocrisy of those who offer "thoughts and prayers" after every firearms-related atrocity but do nothing to reduce the impact of firearms in society, which is overwhelmingly negative.
- We know that a majority of gun owners favor regulations based on consensus and popular will as expressed in elections.
Do a majority of gun owners favor regulation of firearms?
Yes, a majority of gun owners in the United States do favor certain types of firearm regulations. While opinions vary widely depending on the specific policy, surveys consistently show that many gun owners support measures such as:- Universal Background Checks
- A significant majority of gun owners favor universal background checks for all gun buyers. According to a Pew Research Center survey from 2021, about 85% of gun owners support background checks for private sales and at gun shows.
- Preventing Access to Guns by People with Mental Illness
- Many gun owners support preventing people with mental illnesses from purchasing guns, with some polls showing support as high as 80-90%.
- Banning Bump Stocks and High-Capacity Magazines
- While support among gun owners for banning high-capacity magazines and assault-style weapons is more divided, there is still a significant portion that supports these measures.
- "Red Flag" Laws
- These laws allow courts to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a threat to themselves or others.
However, gun owners are generally more skeptical of regulations perceived as infringing on their right to own firearms, such as outright bans on certain types of guns or mandatory buybacks.
Overall, while gun owners may have reservations about more restrictive policies, there is broad support for common-sense regulations aimed at improving safety while respecting the rights of lawful gun owners.
We interpret this not as an assault on anyone's values, but as a conversation worth having.
Membership is required to participate in our registration system. To sign in go here.
To join the site, click Join atop any page to create a login ID and password. You must provide a valid, active email address, which will be used to send a confirmation request; simply respond within three days to complete your registration. Registration data is free and confidential. By registering, you agree to abide by our privacy and other policies.
Registration is disabled while this notice appears. The site is still under development or revision.
From the outset this has been an effort by a few people supporting it out of their own pockets. As we grow this becomes more difficult. We ask that members become subscribers for $2 per month, payable as $19 per year (spend the three dollars you save on a cup of coffee in one of the new safe places that will arise as we succeed.)
- We will not display addresses, emails or telephone numbers of members or persons otherwise registered. They may be made available to law enforcement by court order only with respect to specific individuals or addresses, and then not in bulk. We will not facilitate dragnet-style searches; this is not about embarrassing anyone.
- Once of sufficient volume, the database will be searchable by city, state and other relevant criteria; search results will not identify individuals.
- This will remain a work in progress while private firearms remain a public danger.
- We welcome suggestions on how to improve this concept and site.
- We will not be dissuaded.
- IDENTITY. We do not intend to publicly identify or embarrass anyone or subject anyone to harrassment. Owners' cities and states and listed materials may be displayed as part of statistical summaries; we will not display owners' names, postal or email addresses or telephone numbers. Where data are searchable, searches will return only a true-false or summary result without identifying any person individually or by unambiguous inference. If we cannot achieve that standard we will not enable the search.
- ANONYMITY. Members may register anonymously with a pseudonym. More courageous members may optionally provide their real names. Members' contact data are confidential and are used only to facilitate login and/or recovery of lost passwords or otherwise to verify identity when registering a weapon. Users should note that anonymity may decrease credibility.
- COOKIES. We use cookies to maintain login and to improve performance. We do not collect or cross-reference data from other websites, nor do we sell lists or data. By your use of the system, you acknowledge our use of cookies and agree to it.
- NOTIFICATIONS. By your use of the system, you grant to us the right to send you information provided by affiliated entities or organizations.
- SPAM. We will not voluntarily reveal names or addresses in bulk to third parties, and to the extent of our ability you will not receive third-party bulk mail as a consequence of registration. However, the WWW is inherently public, so we cannot guarantee your privacy.
- MESSAGING. Private messages between members, if and where enabled, are not sent by ordinary email; instead we notify the recipient, who may sign in to read the message.
- LEGALITY. We will not defend your anonymity against legal process; however, we will deny requests for bulk transfers of data to any entity. We will not protect your identity if we are ordered to reveal a member or owner's name (if given) or contact data by a US court.
- CONTINUITY. We may confirm registrations periodically by electronic mail to your registered address. Failure to respond to a verification request may result in suspension or termination of privileges. Alternatively you may sign in at least once every 90 days to maintain registration.
- MODIFICATION. We may revise these policies at any time at our sole discretion. We recommend that you review it periodically. This page as updated contains our entire policy statement; other references to policies are intended only to direct users here.
You can become a member. Members may
- maintain a personal profile
- post Updates with a brief comment and optional link or image; certain limits apply
- submit articles for consideration for the Newsletter; acceptance and publication are the sole purview of the editors
- send private messages to other members and block other members' messages

Updates are brief messages, observaations, comments. Submit Updates from your personal profile; your profile appears whenever you sign into the site or click the Profile link at the top of any page.

News and Research
Blog (news) posts and research articles may be submitted by sponsors (subscribing members or sponsored content). Blog posts are preformatted and may contain one picture and one link. Additional links and images can be linked and/or embedded; details are available to qualified writers.
- You are responsible for the veracity (truth) of the information you post. Your opinions are, of course, your own, too.
- You agree by using the site to hold the operators and hosting organizations harmless for your behavior, including libel, slander and/or the dissemination of false information by you.
- This site cannot verify and is not responsible for false information supplied by participants.